b + c Hosts Annual Charity Drive | Angels Foster Family Network


b + c hosted its annual Holiday Charity Drive supporting Angels Foster Family Network last night at the b + c showroom. Angels Foster Family Network (AFFN) was founded in 1998 with a mission for providing stable placement of children ranging from ages 0 to 5. Each foster family undergoes rigorous foster parent evaluation, training, and a certification process. Foster families promote healing, growth and willing commit to the permanent care of a foster care child until otherwise decided by the county or juvenile court. Angel's families break the cycle of children bouncing around from home to home with their commitment to permanency. 

Foster families and biological parents are bombarded with support from clinical case managers, trainers, and staff at AFFN. Help is always there-even with 24/7 on-call support.

Angels Foster Family Network is deeply committed to the children in their care and the families who support them. We had the pleasure of hosting a Holiday Charity Drive to raise donations for the children of Angels Foster. While any donation is always appreciated, this year, they had a special need for certain items. The donations go straight to the foster parents who are caring for the children in order to provide them with basic necessities.

We had a very special guest, Jeff Wiemann who is the Executive Director of the Angels Foster Foster Family Network speak about the organization. Jeff has been a member since 2013 when him and his wife became a certified foster family. They have four children of their own, but wanted more and wanted to help children as well as give back to their community. Find out more about Jeff’s Story.

Every guest was encouraged to bring a donation to add to our “Holiday Donation Box”. As you can see, we are overflowing with donations and we couldn’t be happier! We are extremely grateful for everyone who came out and donated. Angel’s Foster Family Network is a very special cause near and dear to our hearts, and we are thankful for our supporters who made this charity drive a great success.

Happy Holidays!

For more information on how you can help, visit Angels' Foster Family Network