Spring Cleaning; tips to keeping your work desk clutter free!


There is nothing worse than feeling like you’re drowning in paperwork at your desk. It is very easy to accumulate clutter in your desk around your work area. We all do it! All of the sudden it’s 2:00pm, you look down, and BOOM…clutter…everywhere. As if work isn’t already stressful enough, you become even more overwhelmed knowing you have all of this mess devouring you. Sound familiar?

Luckily, we know exactly how you feel…and we’re here to help.

It is important to have a relaxed mind while you’re at work, not only for productivity, but for creativity as well. Your desk is where you create. It is a place where you come up with innovative solutions. It is also a place where you’re at for most of the day, so why keep it messy?

In with the old and out with the new. This is the first step to keeping your desk clutter free. There is nothing wrong with keeping old projects but get ‘em out of the way! Freeing up new space can make a big difference.

Organization is HUGE…for obvious reasons. This is one of the main reasons spaces become cluttered. Use folders/dividers to help label and store your things. Walmart has a ton of inexpensive, cute accessories you can purchase to help maintain a clean surface. Make a place for your things so you can put them back when you are finished.

Designate one day out of the week to de-clutter. Set a goal for yourself to clean out your desk every Friday or every Monday. This way you can leave for the weekend feeling accomplished, or start the week out already feeling accomplished. The choice is up to you!

Lastly, spice up your desk with some aesthetically pleasing items. A small plant, a picture, or even a motivating quote that you enjoy. Make your desk a place where you want to be, so your mind is able to produce more. The more welcoming your environment is, the more you will be able to boost your creativity and productivity.

I hope you enjoyed these tips on how to keep a clutter free work space! Stay tuned for more creative expressions by b + c Office Interiors.