Deskorations; How Will You Decorate Your Desk This Year?

Do you love the holidays? Are you looking for some new, creative ways to spread some holiday cheer around your office this season? Well look no further because we have a very special gift for you!

Decorating is a great way to kick off the holiday season, so why not start in your office? We’ve got the best deskoration inspiration ideas for just that! Let’s get started…

1. The mini desk tree

It’s official…anything mini is adorable + automatically liked. And a mini tree is way easier to decorate than a real one.

2. Light it up

Using a string of xmas lights can be a great way to brighten things up. Maybe not as much as the picture below but string them across your cubicle, or even across your desk.

3. Holiday greenery

Since biophillic is an important trend in today’s workplace, adding some seasonal foliage with a poinsettia or a wreath can help bring the outside in.

4. Computer frame

Think of your favorite holiday theme…then frame it around your computer. The possibilities are endless!

5. The cubicle theme

Go big or go home! If you’re really feeling the holiday spirit this year, deck your cubicle out in your favorite holiday setting!

6. Change your screen saver

If you’re looking to do the least amount of work as possible with decorating this year, we’ve got you covered. Changing your screen saver is a great way to show that you’re still festive without doing very much. We’ve even provided you with a holiday screen saver image below (you’re welcome).

7. Presents

Not actual ones of course, but using some small empty boxes or wrapping up random parts of your desk can be a fun addition! (we don’t suggest the whole thing but it’s funny to look at)

8. Chair slip covers

Slip into something a little more…festive. Our personal favorite is the classic Santa cover.

We hope our deskoration suggestions sparked some holiday creativity within you! If you decide to decorate your desk this year, snap a pic of your #deskoration + tag us! @bcofficeinteriors

Happy Holidays!